
Tapas & wine

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Let’s get started! We have waited a long time, but we can finally suggest a different way of doing aperitif.

With “BESIDES EATING HEALTHY… WE ALSO LIKE TO DRINK HEALTHY!”, we want to combine the idea of good drinking with the cognitive aspect of what we drink.

That’s why we will present a different winery every 45 days.

Drinks will take place every Thursday, Friday and Saturday from 18:30.

Each tapas is priced at €1.50 and a glass of wine costs €4.00.

We have chosen “CEMBRA – Mountain Cellar” as our first winery.

CEMBRA mountain winery is the highest winery in Trentino, (700 m above sea level). Founded in 1952 upon the initiative of a small group of winegrowers, Cembra today includes about 400 winegrowers who are passionately dedicated to the heroic viticulture needed due to the difficult terrains typical of the Valley. Cembra is set at the heart of the most important porphyry basin in Europe, the red gold of the people from the Valley, a type of rock that gives the wines an extraordinary flavour and aromatic persistence. Such unique landscape has become the perfect habitat for some specific vineyards which – selected through the “zoning project” (1980) – are able to tell the story of the tradition and strength of Trentino in the scents and flavours of their wines.

The minerality and elegance of the Müller Thurgau by Vigna delle Forche (872m above sea level) creates a counterpoint to the opulent and persistent structure of the Riesling Càncor. The sophistication and prompt fragrance of the Schiava Valvalé is complemented by the persistent and complex aromatics of the Pinot Noir by Vigna di Saosent. The balanced scent and harmony of the Chardonnay Camìn, agrees with the tasty richness of Sauvignon Valtini confirming the eclecticism of this historic “terroir”.

A triumph of tastes and aromas that reveals, in a modern way, the wonders of a hidden world, the Valley of Cembra, which has been able to preserve the best of its traditions and values thanks to the loyalty of its mountain people.


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Via Silla 38, 00192 Roma, Italia