
Discover the Nutritional Benefits of Fratelli Deluca’s “Legume Soup”

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Discover the Nutritional Benefits of FratelliDeluca’s Legume Soup

If you’re looking for a healthy, nourishing, and flavorful dish, look no further than our special legume soup here at Fratelli De Luca. With a delightful combination of cannellini beans, borlotti beans, chickpeas, lentils, carrots, and peas, this soup is a true treasure trove of nutrients.

Benefits of Legumes:

Legumes are an excellent source of plant-based protein, essential for building and repairing muscle tissues. Additionally, they are rich in fiber, which promotes digestive health and helps maintain stable blood sugar levels.

Properties of the Legumes Used:

Cannellini beans lend a creamy texture to the soup and are rich in iron and potassium. Borlotti beans add a slightly sweet flavor and are a good source of folate. Chickpeas are packed with protein and fiber, while lentils provide an abundance of folate and magnesium.

Nutrients Added by Carrots and Peas:

Carrots, rich in vitamin A and antioxidants, add a touch of natural sweetness to the soup and improve eye and skin health. Peas are an excellent source of B vitamins and vitamin K, which support cardiovascular health and the immune system.

Seasoning Options:

To make your culinary experience even more satisfying, you can season the soup with farro or white rice. Both are rich in fiber and essential nutrients and add a pleasant texture to the soup.

Visit us every lunchtime at our two stores located at Via Quintino Sella 10 and Via Germanico 152, and savor our delicious legume soup! Remember, at Fratelli De Luca .…ci piace mangiare sano!


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Via Silla 38, 00192 Roma, Italia